There was a request for more photos so, be warned, multiple pictures of our amazing kitchen and other bits and pieces that have eventuated in the past week below...
The front doors have been oiled and the frame is up for the little triangle verandah and decking at the entrance.
More front door action.
The trifold kitchen door, through which you can (sorta) see bits of our kitchen.
Bits of our kitchen!!
These are the only straight cupboard doors and drawers in the place (poor kitchen manufacturer). This is the bench that will have the sink in it and the dishwasher to the left in that hole.
And now so you can see the benchtop.
The spunky curved drawers in the bench at the mudbrick wall.
Me being pretty damn pleased about aforementioned spunky drawers
(and toasting them with an ale.)
Excitement from a different angle.
Nic has sanded and oiled that old timber post on the right as well & although it's not as stunning in this pic, the red coming through is awesome in the flesh (or should that be 'in the bark'?)
This is the small section of bench to the left of the woodfired oven (which we haven't yet made our final decision about - still debating the merits of a couple of brands - any and all help/suggestions are welcome!)
We were trying to get a short of the whole shebang but it proved a bit too 3D to get into a photo.
Now we've gone upstairs into the storage space off the library/study where you can see the thingamajig for the solar mounted on the wall.
(And all our Livos paint stacked there 'in storage')
We have nearly a whole deck upstairs - perfect place to enjoy an ale...
...and contemplate life in general.
Look! Do you know what that is? Yep, it's a water tank but the fun part is that it now has those nifty pipes leading to it so that if we get more rain (and I promise I'm NOT wishing it upon anybody up here right now) it will at least go into our tanks.
Benches are also installed in the brewery (aka 'laundry').
Nic planning the set up of the brewing kit?
(Or trying to decide if Lid will come and do our washing since we have such a nice laundry?)
Finally, the fuse box (in Nic's WIR) is connected so now we can get the solar installed.
Lots has been happening around here and we're pretty pleased about it. Feel free to drop in and see the progress for yourself if you're around sometime.
Deb & Nic