Tuesday, December 14, 2010

That floored me!

We went to have a look at the house and found that not only did we have fully glazed windows but we also have some floor. We took the opportunity to have a little dance on it!

Some floorish bits.

The floorish mess.

Here are the developing vegie gardens for whoever I promised this photo to.


  1. Wow! it is really starting to look like a house!

  2. I thought I had left a comment.

    Why are the veggies being grown in those circular tower things?

  3. Floor looks brilliant...it's going to be a stunning house ! Well worth the wait !

  4. @Em & Greg - Yes it really does and we can't wait! :) It's fun to get out there now and sit around in different part of the house checking out what our views will be like.

    @Gav - The vegies are growing in rings of a cut down silo so that we could build the soil up because our soil is generally rubbish but also the edging means that beastly rabbits can't get in and scoff all my strawberries, tomatoes and garlic (which is all we have growing at the moment!)

  5. Ah... that makes total sense. We have all sorts of problems with the huts where I work. We resorted to burying boards in the ground to make things difficult for the little buggers. That didn't work.

    These days we have the cabling in trunking running around the edge of the building which keeps it about 3' off the ground. So far so good.

    We're working on anaerobic digestate programs at the moment - the products of which can be used as a fertiliser. There's a lot of rules about what can or can't be used. I can't claim to understand it all. Do you have anything like that that can help improve the soil there?

    House looks great!
